Friday, April 2, 2010




Drumsticks – cut finger lengthwise,

Onion – 2 – finely chopped,

Tomatoes – 3 – finely chopped,

Garlic flakes – 6 – crushed,

Mustard seeds – ¼ tsp,

Fenugreek seeds – ¼ tsp,

Red chili powder – 2tsp,

Coriander powder – 3 tsp,

Turmeric powder – a pinch,

Salt – as per taste,

Curry leaves – 1 stem,

Oil – 4 stems,

Water – 4 cups,


Heat oil in a kadai when the oil is heated, add mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds let it crackle,

Then add the chopped onion and sauté it till golden brown, now add the chopped tomatoes, crushed garlic and mix it well sauté it till the tomatoes are cooked,

Now add the drumstick pieces and mix well, then add the red chili powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, salt and mix and fry for 2 mins,

Now add 4 cups of water and cover the kadai with lid and cook till the drumsticks are completely done, now add the curry leaves and let the gravy thicken,

Serve with hot rice along with papads, drumsticks are available in abundant in this summer season enjoy it…

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