Thursday, April 8, 2010




Rice flour – 4 cups,

Butter – ½ cup,

Spinach puree – 1 cup,

Salt – as per taste,

Warm water – for kneading,

Oil – for frying,


Cook 2 cups of cleaned spinach along with some salt and ½ cup of water then blend it to make puree,

In a bowl take rice flour, add heated butter mix well with hand, then add salt and spinach puree to it and mix well to form a dough if needed add some luke warm water,

Heat oil in a kadai. Divide the kneaded dough into 4 equal halves to make balls,

Place this balls in the chakli/muruku making mould and press it in the hot oil to make murukus,

Fry till they turn crispy and store it in a air tight container when they get cooled, Consume it within 3 days.

This is a healthy as well as tasty munching ideal to prepare for kids in this summer holidays isn’t it. Try it.

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