Tuesday, April 20, 2010




Muskmelon – skin peeled and cut into cubes – 1 cup,

Mango – 1 cup – skin peeled and cut into cubes,

Fresh cream – 2 tsp,

Raisins – 5,

Cashews – Roasted in ghee and crumbled,

Chironji – 1 tsp,

Sugar – 1 tsp,


Make a puree of mango, along with fresh cream and sugar,

Place the cubes of musk melon in a serving bowl,

Drizzle the mango, fresh cream puree over the musk melon pieces, and add roasted cashews, chironji and raisins to it and mix everything well,

Chill this drizzelo to icecream form not in a deep frizeer,

Now take this in a serving bowl and garnish it with cashews, mango piece and raisins

Its too yummy, delicious and cool, You will for sure love it to have this more and more in this summer.

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