Thursday, April 8, 2010




Orange juice – ½ cup,

Coconut water – 1 glass,

Glucon-D – 2 tsp,

Sabja seeds/basil seeds – 2 tsp, soaked in water for ½ hr,

Mint leaves – 2,


In a bowl add orange juice, to it add coconut water, then glucon-D, now add sabja seeds and shred some mint leaves and add it to it,

Mix everything well,

Serve this cocange chilled garnished with a slice of orange and mint leaf,

Those who are not much interested in having coconut water like definitely like it this way… It’s tasty with a bit of tanginess, and provides instant energy.

Basil seeds are used as antioxidants, they are used in siddha medicines for asthama and diabeties.

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