Monday, April 26, 2010




Sprouted dals- moong, black channa, ground nuts, - mixed together – 2 cups,

Potato – boiled and chopped – 1,

Onion – 1 – finely chopped,

Tomato – 1 – finely chopped,

Green chilies – 2 finely chopped,

Cucumber – 1 – skin peeled and finely chopped,

Roasted cumin powder – ¼ tsp,

Chat masala – ¼ tsp,

Lemon juice – 1 tsp,

Red chili powder – ¼ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Water – ½ cup,

Chopped coriander – ½ cup,


Cook the sprouts with ½ cup of water adding salt to it for 10 mins till they are partially cooked,

Remove them to a bowl, now add boiled potato pieces, chopped onion, chopped tomato pieces, chopped cucumber pieces, chopped green chili pieces to it and mix well,

Now add chat masala, roasted jeera powder, salt, red chili powder, lemon juice, salt and chopped coriander and mix everthing well,

Serve it chilled or just before you are goin to serve,

You can have it with roasted papad,

Make it mandatory that you include sprouts along with raw vegetables in your menu because sprouts are rich in protein and helps in reducing excess weight, all the diet cousicous guys out there must try this yummy salad,

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