Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Prawns - 10

Mushrooms - 10,

Garlic flakes - finely chopped 10,

Ginger - 1/2 tsp,

Pepper powder - 1/4 tsp,

Salt - as per taste,

Corn flour - 1tsp mixed in 1/2 cup water,

Ajinomoto - a pinch,

Soya sauce - 1/2 tsp,

Vamu akku - Ajwain leaf - 2 chopped finely,

Dry Ginger Powder - a pinch,

Water - 4 cups,

Oil - 1 tsp,

Spring onions - 2 finely chopped,

For Garnishing: 2 Prawns blanched,

1/2 CUP Spring onions finely chopped(only greens),

1 Tiger prawn for garnishing,

Triangle cut piece of tomato,

Lemon cut half,

1 tooth pick,


A.Take small prawns or shrimps clean them, then chop the mushrooms into slices,

B.Take a soup container add a spoon of oil, when heated add chopped garlic, ginger mushrooms and prawns, and spring onions finely chopped saute them for 5 min till the mushroom and prawns are done,

C.Now add pepper powder, salt and 4 cups of water, cook till the prawns are done,

D.Now, add the cornflour mixed in water and then add soya sauce, ajinomotto and mix well, keep an eye on the conistency of the soup its made for 4 people,

E. Turn off the flame and add the dry ginger powder mix well, now pour the soup into soup bowls and sprinkle the ajwain leaf over the soup when it is hot.


Hang the blanched prawns on the soup bowls and sprinkle some chopped greens of spring onions around the soup plate,

This is named as ayurvedic soup because of the addition of two key ingredients ajwain leaf and dry ginger powder, ajwain leaf cuts the flum in the resipiratory system and also regulates digestive system,
Dry ginger powder also regulates digestive system and provides heat to the body in winter... thus its medicinal propreitory of the ingredients serves the purpose of having soup in winters....

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