Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Bread - 2 slices,

Eggs -2,

Chopped Onion - 1,

Chopped green chili - 2,

Sambar powder/Maggie masala - 1 tsp,

Crushed raw black pepper,

Chopped carrot - 1,

Oil for frying


Beat the eggs in bowl and add chopped onion, carrot, chili, black pepper, and sambar/maggie powder and salt to it and whisk it well,

Heat oil in a pan and pour the egg mix over the pan and spread it evenly

Place two slices of bread over the omlet and slowly fold it all over the bread and sprinkle some more maggie masala all over the breads and fold it, now cut into cubes and serve it hot,

It was very tasty when I had it on a hill top road side eatery midst thick greenery and flowing streams when it was slightly drizzling and this was the best delicacy I tasted it in that atmosphere and that locality, I shall never forget its taste.

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