Tuesday, June 1, 2010




Sora fish(shark fish) – ½ kg, cleaned and cut,

Onions – 5 – finely chopped,

Garlic – 1 complete pod – flakes deskined,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Red chili powder – 2-3(as per taste),

Coriander powder – 3 tsp,

Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Oil for fryng,


Cook the cleaned and cut sora pieces with lots of water with added salt and turmeric powder for 10 mins till it is done,

Let it cool, now peel the skin off the pieces and scramble the fish with hands,

Heat 4 tsp of oil in a kadai and when the oil is heated add chopped onions and fry till golden brown along with slightly crushed garlic flakes,

Now add the scrambled sora to it and mix well,

Add red chili powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and salt and mix well,

Fry till it changes to golden brown slightly now add curry leaves and cover for some time and fry on a low flame,

Turn off the flame and take it into a serving dish,

Sora pittu is ideal for new moms since it increases the milk producing capacity in them,

Sora pittu can be added to eggs to make omelet, it can be stuffed in paranthans, it can be added as filling to samosas too,

Serve it with hot white rice, roti for even with toasted bread … u will love it and quench for more and more

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