Tuesday, June 1, 2010




Raagi flour – 1 cup,

Cooked rice – 2 cups,

Water – 4 cups,


Take a thick bottomed vessel and heat water in it,

Now add the cooked rice to the hot boiling water and mix well, without any lumps in it,

When the rice is completely mashed, and water is almost ¼ left

Spread the raagi powder over the cooked rice and slightly cover it with a lid and cook for 4-5 mins,

Now with a wooden stick thoroughly mix the rice with raagi powder see that the flame is low,

Mix well and turn off the flame,

Take a small round vessel/bowl and sprinkle some water and wet the vessel now add a laddle full of the raagi mix into the bowl when it is hot itself just bounce it around the ball to form a roundel,

And take it into a serving plate, repeat the process to make 4 raagi sangati balls,

Serve hot with leafy pulagura, brinjal pulagura or karam pulusu, leafy dal , groundnut chutney, with curd too, you can also have it with sugar and ghee,

And if you are a non-vegetarian have it with fish curry, mutton curry, chicken curry and any hot and spicy curry.



Raagi sangati – 1 ball,

Water – 2 cups,

Curd – 2 cups,

Salt – as per taste,


Make sangati in the night and leave it overnight (not in the refridgerator),

In the morning take a bowl add half the raagi sangati ball to the bowl and add curd to it mix it well with hand and add water to make drinking consistency,
Add salt to it and mix well,

Serve in a glass with roasted peanut, masala wada, pickle and chopped raw onions,

Too good energetic drink in summer and very healthy and nutritious too,

Mostly this is served as a prasadam to Goddess GANGAMMA and many other Goddess during jatara a festival mostly celabrated in my village

Do give it a try its very nutritious and tasty too, keeps your tummy full and cool all thru the day in summers.

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