Tuesday, June 1, 2010

EGG 77

EGG 77


Boiled eggs – 4 – deshelled and cut into cubes,

Corn flour – 2 tsp,

Maida – 1 tsp,

Soya sauce – 4 tsp,

Red chili powder – 2tsp,

Black pepper powder – ½ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Onion – 1 – finely chopped,

Garlic flakes – 8 – finely chopped,

Ginger – 2 tsp – finely chopped,

Green chili – 4 – finely chopped,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Oil for frying,

Water – 1 cup,


Make a batter of corn flour, maida salt and bit of chili powder in a falling consistency adding water,

Heat oil in a kadai when the oil is heated dip the cubes of egg in the batter and drop them in oil and fry till they turn golden brown and take it on a tissue,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion, green chili, ginger garlic pieces and fry till the onion pieces become transuclent and then add the fried egg pieces,
Now add chili powder, soya sauce, salt and black pepper powder and mix well sprinkle some water and add curry leaves and cover it with lid for 2 mins,

Turn off the flame and serve it hot as a snack yummy isn’t it do give it a try right now, its easy too.

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