Sunday, June 6, 2010




Spinach – 1cup – cleaned and finely chopped,

Capsicum – 1 – cut into strips lengthwise,

Fenugreek leaves (Methi leaves) – ½ cup – cleaned and finely chopped,

Onion – 1 – finely sliced,

Tomato – 1 – chopped,

Garlic flakes – 6 – peeled and finely chopped,

Ginger – chopped – 1 tsp,

Green chili – 2 or 1 – finely chopped,

Cheese – ¼ cup – grated,

Soya sauce – 2 tsp,

Salt – as per taste,

Mint leaves – ¼ cup – chopped,

Lemon juice – 1 tsp,

Ajinomoto – a pinch,

Oil for frying – approx 1 and ½ tsp,

Noodles – boiled – 2 cups,


Heat oil in a kadai/wok add chopped onion sauté them for 2 mins,

Add chopped garlic, ginger and chili and sauté for 2 more mins, now add sliced capsicum, tomato and chopped spinach and methi leaves sauté for some more time,

Fry the capsicum till they are half cooked, add boiled noodles and mix everything well, add soya sauce and mix well,

Now add ajinomotto and salt and fry for some time, turn off the flame and add lemon juice and mix well, lastly add grated cheese and mix well,

Serve green noodles hot garnished with mint leaves or with more and more grated cheese, kids will love this and you will also have no strain making them eat leafies, I bet they will surely ask for more and more do give it a try!

Friday, June 4, 2010




Boneless chicken – ¼ kg – cut into small pieces,

Soya sauce – 2 tsp,

Juice of 1 lemon,

Red chili powder – 1 tsp,

Black pepper powder – ½ tsp,

Coriander powder – ½ tsp,

Onion – 1 – chopped,

Garlic – 6 – peeled and finely chopped,

Garlic – chopped – 2 tsp,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Salt as per taste,

Egg – 2,

Boiled rice – 2 cups,

Oil for frying – 2 tsp,


Marinate cleaned chicken pieces with salt , lemon juice, ½ tsp of red chili powder and keep it aside for ½ hr,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a kadai and when the oil is heated add chopped onion, garlic, ginger and sauté it for some time till they become translucent,

Now add the marinated chicken pieces and fry them till they are completely cooked on a low flame

With a laddle push the cooked chicken aside of the kadai and beat a egg in the same and keep mixing the egg vigorously till the egg is done

Now mix the egg with chicken and add boiled rice to it and mix well,

Now add red chili powder, coriander powder, salt and soya sauce and mix everything well on a high flame now add curry leaves and mix well,

Finally add the black pepper powder and mix well,

Serve hot with any sauce or with onion rings sprinkle some lemon juice if necessary.

This is an indianised style of making chicken egg fried rice its ofcourse my way of making chicken egg fried rice very quick and easy to make and tastes great!




Birakaya – ½ kg,

Green chilies – 6,

Urad dal – 2 tsp,

Coriander seeds – ½ tsp,

Fenugreek seeds – 2,

Tamarind pulp – 2 tsp,

Onion – ½ - cut into two,

Salt as per taste,

Garlic – 2 – with skin,

Oil for frying,


Peel the skin of the birakaya and keep it aside,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a kadai and fry urad dal, coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds and remove it aside,

Now in the same oil add chilies, and onion along with garlic and fry them for 2 mins and take them aside,

Now add the birakaya peel and fry it till it leaves its raw smell,

Grind everything along with salt and tamarind pulp to a coarse chutney form and serve hot with white rice and ghee,

You can serve this with idli, dosa , bajjis, pakoras or bondas too.

Tempering is not required for this chutney, since it kills the taste of the chutney and makes it bland so you better have it its original way.




Boiled noodles – 1 cup,

Besan/Gram flour – ½ cup,

Onion – 2 – sliced lengthwise,

Green chilies – 3 – slitted,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Coriander seeds – ¼ tsp – coarsely crushed,

Water for mixing,

Oil for frying,

Salt to taste,

Spinach – washed and finely chopped – ½ cup,


Boil the noodles in abundant water adding some salt to it,

Drain the boiled water and keep the cooked noodles aside,

In a bowl add besan/gram flour in it add spinach, sliced onion, green chili curry leaves, crushed coriander seeds, salt and 2 tsp of hot oil along with boiled noodles,

Mix everything well to make pakora batter a bit tight sprinkle very little water while making the pakora batter,

Heat oil for deep frying the pakoras, when the oil is heated drop the batter in pakora form into the oil and golden fry them with moderate heat,

Serve hot with evening tea and for kids you can serve them hot with any sauce of their choice.



Boiled noodles – 1 cup,

Potato – 2 – boiled with salt and skin peeled,

Panner – 1 cup,

Green chili – 3 – chopped finely,

Onion – 1 chopped finely,

Ginger – chopped – 1 tsp,

Garlic – peeled and finely chopped – 4,

Chopped coriander – 1 cup,

Lemon juice – 1 tsp,

Corn flour – 1 tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Corn flakes – crushed – 1 cup,

Oil for frying,

Green peas – ½ cup – finely boiled and mashed properly,


In a bowl mashed the potatoes coarsely and add green peas, chopped coriander, lemon juice, corn flour, ginger, garlic, onion, green chili, panner and noodles along with sufficient salt,

Make cutlets of the mix and roll them in the crushed corn flakes places in a plate and then

Fry them on a tawa shimmering them with sufficient oil or deep fry them to golden brown from both sides,

Remove them on tissue and serve them hot with tomato sauce or black grape chutney,

You will love the crispyness on the outer side and softness on the inner portion apt for coming rainy season.




Boiled noodles – 1 cup,

Green chilies – 2 – slitted,

Ground nuts – ¼ cup,

Cashews – 7,

Curry leaves – 1 stem,

Mustard seeds – ¼ tsp,

Turmeric powder – a pinch,

Salt as per taste,

Juice of 1 lemon,


Cook the noodles in abundant water, and drain and keep them aside, to this add lemon juice and salt and mix it well,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a kadai and add mustard seeds when the oil is heated, let them crackle,

Now add ground nuts cashews and green chilies along with curry leaves fry them till the cashew turn golden brown and add some turmeric powder to it,

Add the lemon mixed noodles to the tempering and mix everything well for a minute and turn off the flame.

Serve this pulihora hot with noodle pakora, kids will love this different make of noodles and make it when there is a kiddy party around you will be delighted by the praises your kid will shower on you.




Sweet corn boiled and properly mashed – 2 cups,

Cauliflower – chopped 1 cup,

Methi leaves/fenugreek leaves – cleaned and chopped - ½ cup

Carrot – peeled and grated – ½ cup,

Boiled noodles – 1 cup,

Cheese – ½ cup grated,

Green chili – 2 – finely chopped,

Onion – 2 – finely chopped,

Corn flour – 2 tsp,

Puffed rice – 1 cup – spread in a plate

Water for mixing,

Oil for frying,

Salt as per taste,


Mix all the ingredients well with some water if required except oil and puffed rice,

Heat oil in a kadai, make wada of the mixed vegetable, corn and noodle mix and roll it in the puffed rice(murmuras) plate and deep fry them in oil till they turn golden brown from both sides on a moderate heat,

Serve them hot with mango chutney.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Bread - 2 slices,

Eggs -2,

Chopped Onion - 1,

Chopped green chili - 2,

Sambar powder/Maggie masala - 1 tsp,

Crushed raw black pepper,

Chopped carrot - 1,

Oil for frying


Beat the eggs in bowl and add chopped onion, carrot, chili, black pepper, and sambar/maggie powder and salt to it and whisk it well,

Heat oil in a pan and pour the egg mix over the pan and spread it evenly

Place two slices of bread over the omlet and slowly fold it all over the bread and sprinkle some more maggie masala all over the breads and fold it, now cut into cubes and serve it hot,

It was very tasty when I had it on a hill top road side eatery midst thick greenery and flowing streams when it was slightly drizzling and this was the best delicacy I tasted it in that atmosphere and that locality, I shall never forget its taste.


Munnar not only is famous for tea estates,but also for its spices vegetation, black pepper, cardamom, coffee, eucalyptus oil and betel nuts, and sandal wood is exported from these region there are number of tea varities available here example, green tea, lemon tea, silver leaf, rose tea and many many more, My camera caught some of there spices pictures.

Munnar tea estates are very famous world wide, the tea leaves here are exported and they mostly have a life of 100 yrs each plant comes from the seed, and till its grows to certain extent of height it has supporters then on it grows by itself not much of watering is required since munnar is rainy all thru the year and since its cultivated on the slopes water is absobed as much required by each plant and the excess it flown down. lots and lots of greenery, clouds water streams and water falls is what is munnar its truely paradise of gods on earth.


This is a local fruit they cut the fruit into 2 halves and sprinkle some salt and red chili powder over it and these fruit has seeds like the one we see in custard apple, its very much like palm fruit very tasty.


These is the picture of peach, that we use in icecreams fruit salads, sweets , face packs, soaps and and many more. Here at munnar its a local fruit and raw peach is made pickle, I could not get the recipe of it but caught some pics of the fruit that is sold all over the hilly region on the road sides.


Honey is also much available in Munnar and its fresh and pure these one tree at a nook of one of the curves on the hilly region, has more than 200 hives in it, My camera wouldn't capture all of the 200 hives but tried to click few of them for the blog viewers

Lemon grass

most of us do not know where from lemon grass comes and how does it look, Munnar has lot of lemon grass on the road sides its really fresh


This fruit has three different taste in it, sweet, sour and bit salt or say bland kind of taste, Its abundantly available on the road side and its a local fruit of Munnar


In the hill tops of Munnar the tea estates are spread all over the region the workers of this tea estates are provided quarter among these estates itself and they do some cultivation in front of there houses, these carrots are also cultivated here and they sell it to the tourist, these carrots are so juicy and fresh because of the moisture content in the soil and since Munnar has very cool and rainy climate all through the year these vegetable is available abundant and fresh with lots of juice in it, The hotel and food outlets in Munnar use these carrots in more number in the delicacies they prepare be it bread omlet or maggie that is served on the road sides.


This variety of amla was again discovered at the tea estates of munnar this is a common fruit available here and it is cut into two sprinkled with some salt and red chili powder and sold on the road sides of the hilly region, this is also served as a pickle the same way pepper pickle was prepared. avoid using lemon in this pickle instead you have to use red chili powder or cut green chili.




Raw green peper seeds – 1 cup,

Salt as per taste,

Juice of lemon – 4,


Clean and remove the stems of the green pepper and break them to small bunches,

Dry them properly and add salt to it,

Soak them in salt for 3 days covered tightly and from third day add juice of 4 lemons

Cover it again for a day

Add serve it on the 5th day, it goes well along with curd rice and ganji or sadi, its very easy
Unique and simple yet tasty

You can try the same with raw and small mangoes and amla too this I found a very remote tribal area of munnar region in kerala I was delighted the way it was made and thought to share it with the viewers of my blog.




Fresh and cleaned whole fish - 1,

Red chili powder – 2 tsp,

Black pepper powder – 1 tsp,

Coriander powder – ½ tsp,

Sambar powder(Roast 4 whole red chili, er, asafetida a pinch, coriander seeds – 1tsp, fenugreek seeds-2, Dry coconut powder – ½ tsp together and powder it finely)

Juice of one lemon,

Salt as per taste,

Oil for frying,


Marinate fish with above ingredients accept oil and leave it for 2 hrs,

Heat oil for deep frying in a kadai and fry the marinated fish to golden brown

Serve hot with onion rings and lemon wedges,

This is just yummy, I had in Munnar trip, at a road side stall very tasty simple and just melting,




Curd – ½ ltr,

Chana dal – 2 tsp,

Tur dal – ½ tsp,

Rice – 1 tsp,

Fresh coconut – ½ cup,

Green chili – 6,

Ginger – 1 tsp,

Onion – 1 – sliced lengthwise,

Tomato – 1 – cut into 4,

Lady fingers – 6 – cleaned and cut into 2,

Drum sticks – cut into finger length,

Bottle gourd – cut into finger length – 6-7 pieces,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Coriander chopped – 4 spoons,

Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Oil – 2 tsp,


Gram powder/besan – 1 cup,

Onion -2 – sliced lengthwise,

Salt as per taste,

Turmeric powder – a pinch,

Red chili powder – 1 tsp,


Make a tough batter of onions, red chili powder, salt and besan along with some water to make a tough batter

Heat oil to deep fry the pakoras in a kadai and drop the batter in form of pakoras into the hot oil and fry them golden brown and keep them aside.



Whole urad dal – ½ kg,

Salt as per taste,


Soak urad dal for 7-8 hrs and grind it smoothly without adding water and mix salt to it.

Leave the batter for ½ hr and then heat oil for deep frying in a kadai and make wada out of the batter by wetting your palm and take a marble size ball of the urad dal batter and spread it to make a round shape on your palm,

Make a whole in the centre of the flattened batter in your palm and slowly drop this shape of wada into the heated oil,

Fry it to golden brown from both sides and take it on a tissue,


Soak chana dal, rice and tur dal together for ½ hr

Grind the soaked dal and rice along with coconut, chili, ginger with some water to form a smooth paste,

Whisk the curd in the bowl adding the grinded paste and salt along with turmeric powder to it

Mix it well,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a thick bottomed vessel, and when the oil is heated add the sliced onion and sauté it till they become transuclent now add the chopped tomato pieces and fry till they become soft,

Now add the vegetable pieces and some salt to it and add ½ cup of water to cook the vegetables,

When the vegetables are done add curry leaves and the curd pulusu to it and mix well and cook on a very slow flame

Cook the majiga pulusu till you see bubbles in the pulusu and immediately turn off the flame and garnish it with coriander and curry leaves,

Serve hot with white rice, very light on tummy and tasty too,

For making pakora majiga pulusu instead of vegetables cook the pulusu in the same above manner then before serving add the fried pakoras to the majiga pulusu and serve it,

You can add maedu wada to the majiga pulusu instead of vegetables or pakoras just the similar way, cook the majiga pulusu and just before serving add wadas,

Try this puthalapattu delicacy which I learned it from my mother in law Mrs.SUJATHA, and she from her mother in law its again a ancestral recipe, you will definetly like it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

EGG 77

EGG 77


Boiled eggs – 4 – deshelled and cut into cubes,

Corn flour – 2 tsp,

Maida – 1 tsp,

Soya sauce – 4 tsp,

Red chili powder – 2tsp,

Black pepper powder – ½ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Onion – 1 – finely chopped,

Garlic flakes – 8 – finely chopped,

Ginger – 2 tsp – finely chopped,

Green chili – 4 – finely chopped,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Oil for frying,

Water – 1 cup,


Make a batter of corn flour, maida salt and bit of chili powder in a falling consistency adding water,

Heat oil in a kadai when the oil is heated dip the cubes of egg in the batter and drop them in oil and fry till they turn golden brown and take it on a tissue,

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion, green chili, ginger garlic pieces and fry till the onion pieces become transuclent and then add the fried egg pieces,
Now add chili powder, soya sauce, salt and black pepper powder and mix well sprinkle some water and add curry leaves and cover it with lid for 2 mins,

Turn off the flame and serve it hot as a snack yummy isn’t it do give it a try right now, its easy too.




Fish – 1kg(korameenu or any big size fish),

Fresh coconut – desiccated ½ cup,

Poppy seeds – soaked in water – 1 tsp,

Ginger garlic paste – 2 tsp,

Cloves – 2,

Cinnamon powder – a pinch,

Green cardamom – 1,

Onion – 1 – cut into 4 halves,

Red chili powder – 2 tsp,

Coriander powder – 2 tsp,

Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Soaked almonds and cashews – 6,

Chopped mint and coriander leaves – ½ cup,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Oil for frying,

Tomato – 1 cut into 4,

Tamarind pulp – 2tsp,

Bay leaf/Biryani leaf – 1,


Grind coconut, ginger garlic paste, cloves, cinnamon powder, green cardamom, onion, cashew, almonds, poppy seeds, into a fine and smooth paste,

Clean the cut pieces of fish, rub salt and turmeric powder and deep fry them in oil to golden brown, and keep them aside,

Now add 4 tsp of oil and the grinded paste and sauté it for sometime till the rawness of the grounded paste is left, add the bay leaf and mix well,

Add the red chili powder, coriander powder and turmeric powder along with salt to it and fry the masla till it leaves the edges of the vessel,

Now add tamarind pulp and mix the korma well,

Add 3 cups of water and let the korma boil, keep a check on the consistency, see that the korma is not too watery,

When the korma is boiling add the fried fish pieces along with mint, coriander and curry leaves and cover it with lid and cook for 4 min with covered lid

Turn off the flame and serve hot with white rice, any biryanis, paranthas, roti and polkas, it also goes well with puris.




Raagi flour – 1 cup,

Cooked rice – 2 cups,

Water – 4 cups,


Take a thick bottomed vessel and heat water in it,

Now add the cooked rice to the hot boiling water and mix well, without any lumps in it,

When the rice is completely mashed, and water is almost ¼ left

Spread the raagi powder over the cooked rice and slightly cover it with a lid and cook for 4-5 mins,

Now with a wooden stick thoroughly mix the rice with raagi powder see that the flame is low,

Mix well and turn off the flame,

Take a small round vessel/bowl and sprinkle some water and wet the vessel now add a laddle full of the raagi mix into the bowl when it is hot itself just bounce it around the ball to form a roundel,

And take it into a serving plate, repeat the process to make 4 raagi sangati balls,

Serve hot with leafy pulagura, brinjal pulagura or karam pulusu, leafy dal , groundnut chutney, with curd too, you can also have it with sugar and ghee,

And if you are a non-vegetarian have it with fish curry, mutton curry, chicken curry and any hot and spicy curry.



Raagi sangati – 1 ball,

Water – 2 cups,

Curd – 2 cups,

Salt – as per taste,


Make sangati in the night and leave it overnight (not in the refridgerator),

In the morning take a bowl add half the raagi sangati ball to the bowl and add curd to it mix it well with hand and add water to make drinking consistency,
Add salt to it and mix well,

Serve in a glass with roasted peanut, masala wada, pickle and chopped raw onions,

Too good energetic drink in summer and very healthy and nutritious too,

Mostly this is served as a prasadam to Goddess GANGAMMA and many other Goddess during jatara a festival mostly celabrated in my village

Do give it a try its very nutritious and tasty too, keeps your tummy full and cool all thru the day in summers.




Raagi flour – 1 cup,

Cooked rice – 2 cups,

Water – 4 cups,


Take a thick bottomed vessel and heat water in it,

Now add the cooked rice to the hot boiling water and mix well, without any lumps in it,

When the rice is completely mashed, and water is almost ¼ left

Spread the raagi powder over the cooked rice and slightly cover it with a lid and cook for 4-5 mins,

Now with a wooden stick thoroughly mix the rice with raagi powder see that the flame is low,

Mix well and turn off the flame,

Take a small round vessel/bowl and sprinkle some water and wet the vessel now add a laddle full of the raagi mix into the bowl when it is hot itself just bounce it around the ball to form a roundel,

And take it into a serving plate, repeat the process to make 4 raagi sangati balls,

Serve hot with leafy pulagura, brinjal pulagura or karam pulusu, leafy dal , groundnut chutney, with curd too, you can also have it with sugar and ghee,

And if you are a non-vegetarian have it with fish curry, mutton curry, chicken curry and any hot and spicy curry.



Raagi sangati – 1 ball,

Water – 2 cups,

Curd – 2 cups,

Salt – as per taste,


Make sangati in the night and leave it overnight (not in the refridgerator),

In the morning take a bowl add half the raagi sangati ball to the bowl and add curd to it mix it well with hand and add water to make drinking consistency,
Add salt to it and mix well,

Serve in a glass with roasted peanut, masala wada, pickle and chopped raw onions,

Too good energetic drink in summer and very healthy and nutritious too,

Mostly this is served as a prasadam to Goddess GANGAMMA and many other Goddess during jatara a festival mostly celabrated in my village

Do give it a try its very nutritious and tasty too, keeps your tummy full and cool all thru the day in summers.




Sora fish(shark fish) – ½ kg, cleaned and cut,

Onions – 5 – finely chopped,

Garlic – 1 complete pod – flakes deskined,

Curry leaves – 2 stems,

Red chili powder – 2-3(as per taste),

Coriander powder – 3 tsp,

Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp,

Salt as per taste,

Oil for fryng,


Cook the cleaned and cut sora pieces with lots of water with added salt and turmeric powder for 10 mins till it is done,

Let it cool, now peel the skin off the pieces and scramble the fish with hands,

Heat 4 tsp of oil in a kadai and when the oil is heated add chopped onions and fry till golden brown along with slightly crushed garlic flakes,

Now add the scrambled sora to it and mix well,

Add red chili powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder and salt and mix well,

Fry till it changes to golden brown slightly now add curry leaves and cover for some time and fry on a low flame,

Turn off the flame and take it into a serving dish,

Sora pittu is ideal for new moms since it increases the milk producing capacity in them,

Sora pittu can be added to eggs to make omelet, it can be stuffed in paranthans, it can be added as filling to samosas too,

Serve it with hot white rice, roti for even with toasted bread … u will love it and quench for more and more