Monday, July 29, 2013

PAUSTIK MIXED LEAFY PAKORAS: INGREDIENTS: 1.Spinach – washed and finely chopped – 2 cups, 2. Amaranth leaves(Thotakura) – washed and finely chopped – 1 cup, 3.Bachali akku – washed and finely chopped – 1 cup 4.Pudina – washed and finely chopped – ½ cup, 5.Coriander leaves – washed and finely chopped - 1 cup, 6.Water amaranth(ponaganti akku) – washed and finely chopped – ½ cup, 7.Curryleaves – ¼ cup – finely chopped, 8. Besan – 3 cups, 9.Green chilies – slitted long – 5, 10.Onions – sliced long – 3, 11.Ajwain(vamu)- ¼ tsp, 12.Salt – as per taste, 13.Water for mixing the batter, 14.Oil – for frying, 15.Menthi akku – ¼ cup – chopped, METHOD: 1.Mix all the ingredients with water accept oil to form a dropping consistency, 2.Heat oil in a kadai sufficient for deep frying the pakoras, 3.Add a spoon of heated oil to the pakora batter and mix it thoroughly, 4.Drop the pakoras into the moderately heated oil and fry them golden brown, Very apt for this rainy season serve them hot with a cup of masala tea

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